Media Management and Automation

Media Microservices

Modular media-exclusive microservices provide media-oriented management facilities and services. Any of These microservices can perform a related key service for managing or processing Multimedia contents.


Catchup Microservices extracts media files, media fragments or desired multimedia contents from the main recording storage and merges them together to form a single output content.

Cut and Merge

CutandMerge Microservice is used for extracting slices from an audio or video file and merging them into single or multiple files. For this, some input parameters like input/output addresses, files duration time, type of extraction and … should be set for the microservice.

EPG Extractor

EpgExtractor Microservice is used for extracting the Electronic Program Guide (EPG) from the Radio/Television channels or programs.

File Information Extractor

ExtractInfo Microservice is used for extracting various information about multimedia files. The output results of the ExtractInfo microservice depend to the types of files dealt by the operators. ExtractInfo recognizes the files formats via its input parameters and extracts their information as its output result.

Finger Print Compare

FingerPrintCompare microservice is used for comparing two or more video files, with respect to their finger prints. The microservice gets the files addresses via its input parameters and shows the output results. Video FingerPrintCompare harnesses the technology of recognizing original video from the copy versions. Unique characteristics of a video file are extracted by the smart image processing algorithms and then compared to the relative items of other video files and the comparison results are shown as the final input.

Finger Print Extract

FingerPrintExtract microservice is used for extracting the finger print of a video. The microservice receives a video file via its input parameter and extract the finger print information.

Shot List Extractor

Shot List Extractor microservice is used for extracting a list of sample shots and images from a video or multimedia file.

Stream Record

Stream Record (Timeshift) microservice is used for recording and storing a live steam. The microservice gets the address of a live stream (usually from a live Radio/TV Channel) and starts recording all the audio video contents into the main recording storage. Due to different needs, recording process time can be limited or unlimited. Another function of the microservice is to create and to update daily lists of information of recorded files and streams. The lists are called playlist.json and contain information like titles, lengths, and types of the stored files in the main recording storage.


This microservice performs audio/video transcoding (converting different file formats to the desired ones due to technical or operational reasons.)


Preventing from unauthorized and illegal distribution of media assets has always been a challenging issue. Unfortunately, during recent years unauthorized access to and distribution of media files has increased so much leading to a greater loss for media owners. Although sometimes it is impossible to prevent illegal distribution of multimedia files, but identifying the distribution source line can be helpful to stop greater loss.
The Watermark microservice helps to identify the unauthorized distribution source of media files or streams. It uses “Invisible Indexing” method in which an exclusive watermark is added to the first-distributed media file. For any later distribution there would be one another exclusive watermark.
In case a media file is distributed illegally, it is easier to find out where or when was the distribution source based on the following methods:

1- Watermark Extraction
2- Watermark Comparison based on standard algorithms

Image Extractor

Image Extractor microservice is used for extracting images from video files or streams. The microservice functions include:

– Extracting main frames of the video or streams

Extracting frames in defined or custom durations
Extracting images as for video posters or thumbnails
Generating Sprite Images from the input videos and archiving extracted image files
Type of functions, in addition of other required specifications can beset as input parameters.

Quality Control

The QC microservice is used for analyzing video files/streams to evaluate their quality standards. In order to do so, the microservice employs different parameters and indexes upon which