Media Management and Automation

Generic Microservices

Modular Generic Microservices provide general facilities and services as part of Samim Automation Solutions. They are used to perform generic services like file management, monitoring, watch folder, … Generic microservices are extensible and customizable with respect to different needs and demands.


Compression microservice is used for compressing files and folders and storing the outputs in pre-defined addresses. Due to different needs and due to various file types, the compressing methods, the output files formats and size can be different and definable.


This microservice is used for performing encryption and decryption over files and folders. First the microservice gets the files addresses and the encryption key, then generates new encrypted files. To decrypt these files, the microservice uses the encryption key.

File Management

FileManager microservice is used for managing files and folders stored in samim automation solution storage area. This microservice gets the files source and target addresses as input parameters and then automatically performs many basic functions like copy and paste, transfer, remove, format, drive label receipt… this helps many repetitive and time-consuming processes like file storage or transfer to be done easier, faster without needing any active human presence.


Hash microservice employs SHA-512 Hashing algorithms to generate an output value of a 64-bit string from files of any size and format.

Hashed values are practical in important cases like assurance of files integrity while being transferred. Files indexing processes. Identical files locating in a same storage space and…


Monitoring microservice is used to monitor the network hardware and software functionality. It generates monitoring information about systems host, OS, processors, RAM, motherboards, storage capacities…


Notify microservice is used for sending text messages to different groups of users


WatchFolder microservice is used to monitor changes occurred for the folders in the system storage. It gets the folders addresses as an input parameter and tracks all the events occurred for the folders. The microservice then stores the data or send it to the system admins